Change History MCC Script for Agency Directors
ClickTrain October 2024
The script checks all the entries in your accounts’ Google Ads change history installed at the MCC level. If a user changes outside of your list of ‘recognized’ users or your ‘domain’, you will get an alert via email. The alert mail contains the number of changes and a link to the Google Sheet that lists all changes by unrecognized users.
Follow on Github:
* The Ultimate Change History MCC Script
* The script checks all the entries in the Google Ads change history of your accounts and installed at the MCC level,
* and if there is a change by a user outside of your list of 'recognized' users or your 'domain', you will get an alert via email.
* The alert mail contains the number of changes as well as a link to the Google Sheet that lists all changes by unrecognized users.
* @initalAuthor: Nils Rooijmans
* Branched Version 2.0
* @author: Andrew Bloch
* For more features like specific user insights and predicted hours visit -
var spreadsheetId = ""; // Insert the ID of the new blank main spreadsheet between the double quotes
var emailAddresses = "";
var yourDomain = "";
var ignoreUsers = [
// NOTE: if you want to add multiple users, one per line, with a comma separating the lines. I.e.:
// var ignoreUsers = [
// '',
// '',
// ''
// ];
var period = "YESTERDAY";
var sendMail = true;
var emailSubject = "PPCListenr - WARNING - Change by person outside of the Agency";
var emailBody =
"\n" +
"***\n" +
"\n" +
"This script checks changes in the 'Change history':\n" +
"\n" +
"For all changes during " + period + "\n" +
" check if there is a change being made by users other than " + ignoreUsers + "\n" +
" if so, alerts are logged in Google Sheet:" + spreadsheetId + "\n" +
"\n" +
"If there is an alert, an email is sent to:\n" + emailAddresses + "\n";
function main() {
var ids = [];
var accounts = MccApp.accounts().get();
while (accounts.hasNext() && ids.length < 50) {
var account =;
var customerId = account.getCustomerId();
function getChangeAlerts() {
var accountName = AdsApp.currentAccount().getName();
var changeAlerts = [];
var query = "SELECT " +
", " +
"change_event.change_date_time, " +
"asset.type, " +
"change_event.change_resource_type, " +
"change_event.changed_fields, " +
"change_event.user_email " +
"FROM change_event " +
"WHERE change_event.change_date_time DURING " + period + " " +
"AND change_event.user_email NOT REGEXP_MATCH '.*@" + yourDomain + "' " +
"AND change_event.user_email NOT IN ('"+ignoreUsers.join("', '")+"') "+
"ORDER BY change_event.change_date_time DESC " +
"LIMIT 9999 "; // Max of 10k changes reported per request
try {
var result =;
} catch (e) {
alert("Issue retrieving results from search API: " + e);
while (result.hasNext()) {
var row =;
var campaignName = "";
var assetType = "";
try {
campaignName =;
} catch (e) {}
try {
assetType = row.asset.type;
} catch (e) {}
if (!campaignName && assetType){
campaignName = assetType
try {
var change = [
} catch (e) {
Logger.log("Issue with parsing results from search API: " + e);
if (changeAlerts.length > 0) {
function addHeaderToOutputSheet(sheet) {
var header = [
function reportResults(changes) {
let sheet = prepareOutputSheet(false);
addOutputToSheet(changes, sheet);
function prepareOutputSheet(clear) {
var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.openById(spreadsheetId);
if (!spreadsheet) {
alert("Cannot open new reporting spreadsheet");
var sheet = spreadsheet.getActiveSheet();
if (!sheet) {
alert("Cannot open new reporting sheet") ;
return ;
if (clear){
// sheet.insertRowsBefore(2, output.length); // add empty rows below header row
return sheet;
function addOutputToSheet(output, sheet) {
var numberOfRows = sheet.getLastRow() ;
var startRow = numberOfRows + 1;
var range=sheet.getRange(startRow, 1, output.length, output[0].length) ;
range.setValues(output) ;
Logger.log("\nNumber of rows added to output sheet: "+output.length+"\n\n");
function sendEmail(numberOfAlerts) {
var accountName = AdsApp.currentAccount().getName();
if (sendMail) {
var emailString =
"Number of changes: " + numberOfAlerts + "\n" +
"See details:" + spreadsheetId + "\n" + emailBody;
MailApp.sendEmail(emailAddresses, emailSubject + " | " + accountName, emailString);
Logger.log("Sending alert mail");
function alert(string) {
Logger.log("### " + string);
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